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Industrial And Commercial Fencing

Razor Wire / Anti Scaling Barrier

Online Catalogue | Fencing |  Razor Wire / Anti Scaling Barrier

    Razor Wire is a very cost effective and highly visual solution to your high security needs. When installed correctly razor wire is perfectly legal here in the UK, It is advised that razor wire is installed correctly over 1.8 metres in height (6’) with appropriate signage. All our fencing and gate systems can be topped with razor wire, alternatively it can be installed to your existing fencing or on top of a wall/building.

    But it can be so confusing when ordering fencing, barriers or razor wire - we can help! Just call us on 0161 633 2301 and we can talk through your requirements and then provide a quick and competitive quote.
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Online Catalogue | Fencing |  Razor Wire / Anti Scaling Barrier